Sunday at Logos

Our morning began at Iglesia Bautista Logos for Sunday morning worship. All we can say is…WOW! We felt like we had a small glimpse of heaven today. People from different parts of the world, speaking different languages, all worshiping the same God was amazing! We felt God’s presence in the packed auditorium and we felt the love of fellow brothers and sisters. It was such an amazing experience. It is hard to put it into words. See some highlights on the Facebook page for Iglesia Bautista Logos.

After the service we made a short drive to Logos Baptist Academy, which is a ministry of Iglesia Bautista Logos. They fed us lunch at the school, then after a tour of the facilities, we made our preparations to start tomorrow’s music camp. Pray for us as we board our vans at 7:15 AM to head to the school.

We learned some interesting facts about the school. The most important fact is that although this is a Christian school, most of the students are not professing Christians. Many of their families do not attend the church. We will do our part this week to teach the children about Jesus and show them His love. This is going to be a very fun, exciting week. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for us.


Music Camp begins!


Off to a GREAT start!