God is at work

Have you ever walked into a room of first graders and they started cheering when you walked through the door? Well, that is how the day started. It was Music Camp day two. The campus was full of excitement and the children were eager to see what we had planned for the day. Preschool children continued with their fun songs and movement while the elementary children were introduced to Nicodemus and his encounter with Jesus. Music, crafts drama and recreation followed. Middle school and high school students continued with their instruction in percussion, voice, guitar, piano and art. We are finding some real musicians in this bunch and we can’t wait to see their talents on display at our Friday night Gala. Details about this event will be in a future post.

Today we could see more interaction between our team members and the children. On the playground you could see one on one conversations taking place, team members playing volleyball, basketball or soccer with the children and even a game of tabletop football…you know where you fold a piece of paper into the shape of a football and try to “thump” the football to the edge of the other side. Oh and we also saw this guy. This is a common sight in Puerto Rico!

This afternoon some of our team sang at a nursing home. All of us would have participated but the facility didn’t have enough room for everyone, so a great representation from our group sang for the senior adults.

Later in the afternoon we had the privilege to tour the Send Relief Center of Ponce. This is one of three Send Relief Centers in Puerto Rico. If you are not familiar with Send Relief, this is a ministry of the North American Mission Board where you and a team can come to the center for a week, stay in the facility and then go into the community and complete a variety of ministry projects. Send Relief will provide your housing, meals, local transportation and all supplies to complete your ministry project for a very nominal fee. Want to learn more? Go to sendrelief.org.

Please continue to pray for us. We can see God working in so many ways. At the end of a day when we come together to talk about our day and hear a devotional message, team members are constantly sharing stories of what they saw and experienced in a day. Most of the time these are things we can’t explain or we see how something worked out at just the right time. We all just look at each other and say, “that was God.”

We can’t wait to share more with you!




Music Camp begins!